The Unstoppable Domain King Reigns with Revolutionary Trademark Application!

Nov 30, 2023



  • The Domain King, Rick Schwartz, has filed a trademark application for the mark DOMAIN KING.COM to expand his domain game by leasing domain names.
  • The application was filed on November 22, 2023, and is currently pending allocation to an examiner.
  • Rick Schwartz’s plan includes selling and leasing domain names under his brand.
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    The Domain King Aims to Expand Domain Game with New Trademark Application


    Rick Schwartz, known as The Domain King, has filed a trademark application for the mark DOMAIN KING.COM to enhance his presence in the domain industry. Schwartz has been using his brand since 1996 and already holds the registered mark DOMAIN KING since 2003. The new application, filed on November 22, 2023, aims to solidify Schwartz’s plan of not only selling domain names but also leasing them under his brand. The application is currently pending allocation to an examiner, and the trademark registration process may take up to 18 months to complete.

    This move highlights Schwartz’s intention to expand his domain game and explore new avenues in the field. By introducing licensing of intellectual property in the domain names sector, Schwartz aims to offer leasing options to potential clients. This strategic move showcases his commitment to staying at the forefront of the industry and adapting to changing market trends.

    For more details about Rick Schwartz’s plan, please visit


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