Mind-blowing lawsuit unveils mind-boggling twist in stolen domain name debacle!

Dec 1, 2023


  • The estate of a deceased woman has filed a lawsuit to reclaim the domain name ProjectHindsight.com, which it claims was stolen.
  • The domain name was allegedly sold by the thief to a competitor of the estate’s, who is now refusing to return it and threatening to damage the reputation of the woman.
  • Despite being in contact with the current owner, the lawsuit is only directed at the thief, leaving the competitor at risk of losing the domain if the lawsuit is successful.

Estate Files Lawsuit to Reclaim Stolen Domain Name

The estate of Ellen Black, who recently passed away, has taken legal action to retrieve the domain name ProjectHindsight.com, which it alleges was stolen. Black managed a website at the domain name until her death earlier this year. However, her estate claims that the domain name was taken from its Network Solutions account without authorization.

In the lawsuit, the estate is suing the unidentified person, referred to as John Doe, who stole the domain name, as well as the domain name itself. It has been revealed that after the theft, the domain name was trafficked and sold by John Doe through the domain brokerage of GoDaddy.com LLC to a competitor of the estate. The competitor has demanded compensation from the estate for the return of the alleged stolen domain name and has refused to hand it back. Furthermore, they have threatened to tarnish the reputation of Black, the deceased individual associated with the domain.

It is worth noting that despite being in contact with the current owner of the domain, the lawsuit is solely directed at the thief and in rem against the domain name itself. This means that if the lawsuit is successful, it will be the competitor who stands to lose the domain. The reason for this approach is unclear, given the estate’s communication with the current owner.


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