Unbelievable! Snap! Mobile skillfully battles against reverse domain name hijacking to achieve unrivaled SEO success!

Nov 18, 2023


  • A UDRP panel has ruled that Snap! Mobile attempted reverse domain name hijacking against domain investor WebWorks, who owns the domain SnapMobile.com.
  • Snap! Mobile claimed common law rights to the Snap! Mobile trademark but failed to provide sufficient evidence to establish these rights.
  • The panel found that the complainant did not prove the required elements in a UDRP and brought the complaint in bad faith as an attempt at reverse domain name hijacking.
  • Panel Finds Snap! Mobile Attempted Reverse Domain Name Hijacking

    A UDRP panel has ruled that Snap! Mobile, an online fundraising platform, attempted reverse domain name hijacking against domain investor WebWorks. Snap! Mobile filed a UDRP against the domain SnapMobile.com, which is owned by WebWorks. The panel determined that Snap! Mobile failed to establish common law trademark rights to the Snap! Mobile name and did not prove the required elements in a UDRP. The complaint was deemed to be brought in bad faith as an attempt at reverse domain name hijacking. Lowe Graham Jones PLLC represented the domain name owner in the case.

    Snap! Mobile claimed to have common law rights to the Snap! Mobile trademark, but the evidence provided to the panel was not sufficient to support this claim. The documents submitted by Snap! Mobile, including articles, business profiles, press releases, and social media posts, did not demonstrate trademark usage until more recently. The panel also noted that the scope and size of Snap! Mobile’s business were unclear and that there was no evidence of the degree of public recognition of the alleged Snap! Mobile name. The complaint was ultimately dismissed, and Snap! Mobile’s attempt at reverse domain name hijacking was deemed to be in bad faith.

    WebWorks, the owner of the SnapMobile.com domain, acquired the domain in 2016. Snap! Mobile, on the other hand, was founded in 2014 and acquired the domains SnapRaise.com and OnSnap.com in the past few years. The panel’s decision highlights the importance of providing sufficient evidence to establish trademark rights in UDRP cases and the consequences of bringing a complaint in bad faith.


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